Jeff Dunn recently retired as the lead Detective of the Los Angeles Police Department’s Threat Management Unit. Dunn joins Crime Redefined to discuss the stalking of Sandra Bullock by Joshua James Corbett and provides never-heard-before...
Jeff Dunn recently retired as the lead Detective of the Los Angeles Police Department’s Threat Management Unit. Dunn joins Crime Redefined to discuss the stalking of Sandra Bullock by Joshua James Corbett and provides never-heard-before details. Dunn recently appeared on REELZChannel’s ‘Stalker Files’ which chronicled the stalking of Rebecca Schaeffer, Madonna, Steven Spielberg, Michael Douglas and others. Crime Redefined is proud to offer this in-depth look at this tragic case in which Sandra Bullock was forced to retreat to a panic room in her closet to avoid a face-to-face confrontation with a schizophrenic stalker. Hosted by Dion Mitchell and Mehul Anjaria. A Zero Cliff Media production.